Day 24 - Drainage

Today was planned for starting on the masonry blockwork but I noticed that we had forgotten the drainage for the rainwater pipes at the front of the garage. So a little more digging was required and additional connections were added,
Photo 1
Photo 1 shows the garage with 2 markings for rainwater pipes and 1 marking inside the garage for the foul waste from the en-suite located above.
Photo 2
The rainwater pipe will come down just beside the new gas meter.

Photo 3
These are the new connections to the inspection chamber. The ones at the back will take the rainwater. The one nearest will take the foul waste.
Photo 4

Photo 5

Photo 6
Photo 6
The footings were exposed in preparation for the blockwork and now the outline can be visualised once again after being covered in soil. I'm hoping things will begin to progress much more rapidly from tomorrow.


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