Day 117 - Brickwork

Having removed the larger of the two bathroom windows, the bathroom was now deprived of a lot of natural light and had become quite dark. Consequently, we decided to enlarge the remaining window.

Photo 1
The above photo shows the window that we wanted to enlarge. Now this window has an arch above it and a brick window sill. We were fortunate that we had salvaged some of these window sill bricks when we removed the main wall for the kitchen extension. We just about had enough!

Photo 2

Photo 3

We were also fortunate that we had ordered an extra lintel for the dormer which wasn't required so could be used for the bathroom window. Now the lintel was a lot bigger and needed cutting.
Photo 4
Photo 5

Photo 5 shows the enlarged window from within the bathroom.

Photo 6

Photo 7
 We were again fortunate to have a spare stone head (manufacturing fault) which allowed us to enlarge the window a brick and half. Very pleased with the end result.


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