Day 9 - Digging Foundations

This morning I noticed that the trench for the back of the garage (that connects back to the existing house) was dug slightly in the wrong place. It had made the garage longer but reduced the size of the kitchen. I brought this to the attention of the workers and once the main contractor was on site, it was resolved quickly. They would shutter the trench, back-fill it, and dig the new trench.

Photo 1
There was unexpected rain on Wednesday afternoon which as shown in Photo 1, filled up some of the trench.
Photo 2
Due to the rains, the trench was starting to collapse, (as can be seen in Photo 2 near the bottom right), so the builders decided to pour the concrete into what was dug. The BCO had also visited and was happy with the depth.

Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

Photo 6

Photo 7
Photo 8
Photo 9
Photo 10
Photos 3 to 10 show the concrete being poured into the trench and checking levels.

Photo 11
Photo 12
Photo 13
Photos 11 to 13 above show the floor removed from the existing cloakroom. You can see where the mains electric cable enters the property and the location of the meter and fuse box. I'm considering to have this moved to within the garage as this cloakroom will also be having a shower added to it.
Photo 14
 Photo 14 shows the floor of the small shower room being removed. The shower was never used but this had the mains water pipe entering the property. The window will be blocked by the garage.
Photo 15

Photo 16
 Photos 15 and 16 show the hallway floor having been dug out.
Photo 17
Photo 17 shows the trench for the drain as it begin from outside the downstairs cloakroom.


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