Day 94 - Plumbing

With the new plans for the bathroom, the existing partition wall was quickly removed.
Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3
Removing the wall, really opened up the space and drew in a nice amount of natural light into the otherwise dark landing.

Photo 4

Photo 5

Photo 6

The soil pipe for the main bathroom was installed today. It goes out from the bathroom (photo 6) and into the roof space of the extension (photo 4). It then runs along the rafter and out through the soffit board (photo 5). Its not the the ideal place to have the pipe coming out of but this part is behind the garage and will hardly be visible so it was an optimal solution.

Photo 7

Photo 8
There was further progress on the garage wall. Not long left before the roof can be fitted.
Photo 9
Carpenter is due tomorrow to start on the stud framing so fortunately we managed to order the timber in the morning and have it delivered the same afternoon.


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